You Must Create, Spring/Summer 06
To drastically paraphrase The Smiths, there are dandies on the streets of London. The languorous lifestyle of Britain's wealthy young is proving to be an inspiration for spring and summer, especially for label You Must Create. It's been in business here since the mid-90s and is taking its cue from "the mid-century sporting activities of the rich and privileged". That means hard-to-understand pursuits like rugby and cricket, but the look is straightforward enough. Having picked up one of their slim chocolate polkadot scarves myself, I like that the idea has been extended to the harrington jacket. Elsewhere the wing-tip brogues and Eton blazer stay just the right side of the Henley Regatta. However, if you don't speak with the cut-glass vowels of the English upper crust, best keep your mouth shut, lest you ruin the gentlemanly air.
Details of where YMC is stocked are available here.